Thursday, July 21, 2005
Caffeine and the Bean

I'm addicted to caffeine. I started drinking coffee my first year of graduate school. Recently I reached the Caffeine Intake Level (CIL) of ~3 cups a day, plus 2 or 3 cans of caffeinated soda. That is a problem. Nervousness, insomnia are the results of this CIL. Of course, "getting more work done" is also a nominal result of the caffeine. In reality, though, being amped on caffeine becomes your normal state, the status quo. Then one must turn to crank to get wired. That's no good. Last year in the San Juans, Colorado, I didn't have coffee for a few days. The result was a migraine-like (as far as I can tell) headache that dissipated only after a cup-an-a-half of yummy coffee in Montrose, where they also fixed the fuel vapor hose on my Subaru. I try to reduce my CIL, but the results are invariably a nasty headache. Yeah, I could ease myself off. But my brain, in association with biochemistry of the rest of my body, now equates COFFEE intake with CAFFEINE intake. Results = I crave coffee. My favorite bean to brew at home is Trader Joe's Columbio Supremo. They make a decaf version, it's a bit pricier. Never mind they sell the excess removed caffeine to Coca Cola so they can sell it back to me in my Diet Coke. My plan. Gradually replace the caffeined coffee with decaf, bean by bean. I will begin with one decaf bean adrift in a sea of caf-beans. Gradually, I will work my way down to half and half decaf/caf beans. At the end, months from now, I'll be tossing just 3 or 4 caf-beans into my grinder. Then, one fateful day, perhaps I'll put only one solitary caf-bean into the Black & Decker to be pulverized. Providing 0.000000001 mL of caffeine.
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I have a CIL of 9 and I am so glad to see that someone has come up with a step-by-step plan to reduction. High CIL has plagued me my entire life of 20, 30, 40some years. I have sought hypnosis, substituted crocheting as my addiction, even volunteered to participate in a trial experiment of sharpening pencils instead of drinking my morning coffee. NOTHING SOLVED MY PROBLEM!!! Kuddos to you for the bean by bean reduction plan. I now have hope.
Thanks, mooti, for your positive feedback. Far too many people visit my site, scoff, and send me nasty emails with .gif images of poopoo attached. I get hundreds in my inbox everyday. What a breath of fresh coffee, I mean air.
I too have been plagued by caffiene addiction in the form of a morning can of Diet Coke. This started when I gave up my dreams of becoming a globe-trotting geologist and sat down at a desk to become a portfolio analyst. Understadably, morning bordom and dreams of the outdoors spurred me to drink anything that would wake me up, and thankfully my employer provides a wide variety of caffienated beverages keep his employees awake.
Anyhow, now I am tempted to start drinking coffee and try your bean by bean reduction plan, not only because it gradually and all-but unknowingly reduces the amount of caffiene in my daily dose; it also appeals to my newly-discovered bean counting mentality.
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Anyhow, now I am tempted to start drinking coffee and try your bean by bean reduction plan, not only because it gradually and all-but unknowingly reduces the amount of caffiene in my daily dose; it also appeals to my newly-discovered bean counting mentality.
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